cephalic version造句
- It can be contrasted with " internal cephalic version ", which involves the hand inserted through the cervix.
- Sensitizing events during pregnancy include c-section, miscarriage, therapeutic abortion, amniocentesis, ectopic pregnancy, abdominal trauma and external cephalic version.
- Turning techniques mothers can do at home are referred to Spontaneous Cephalic Version ( SCV ), this is when the baby can turn without any medical assistance.
- The next section is looking at External cephalic version or ECV which is a method that can help the baby turn from a breech position to a head down position.
- Successful external cephalic version significantly decreases the rate of cesarean section, however women are still at an increased risk of instrumental delivery and cesarean section compared to women with spontaneous cephalic presentation.
- It's difficult to see cephalic version in a sentence. 用cephalic version造句挺难的
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